IT tenders is the One-Stop Platform for IT Services

Whether you are a service buyer looking for IT services, or you are an SME offering IT services, IT tenders is the platform for you!

We are bridging the gap between IT service providers and buyers with our AI-matching algorithms.


Open tenders

Tender volume in the last 30 days
0.92 bn


dynamiC, Our Award-winning AI Model, Powers the IT tenders Core Functions

Skill Extraction

from project descriptions and

provider portfolios

Skill Mapping

on our multidimensional
Knowledge Graph
IT tenders maps extracted skills in the Knowledge Graph

Skill-based Matching

between IT service providers and
buyers' requirements
IT tenders matches IT service providers with IT service buyers on the basis of extracted skills and requirements

dynamiC - AI Innovation Competition Baden-Württemberg 2021 Award Winner

IT tenders Offers IT Benchmarking Data

Our IT benchmarking data makes market prices transparent for service providers and clients. IT tenders supports you as a service provider to remain competitive in the market, and as a buyer in optimizing your sourcing strategy.

Simple and Lean Workflow Due to AI

Automated Skill based matchings of provider portfolios and project descriptions resulting in a long list

Automatic Request for Proposal sent to providers

Providers submit proposals

Buyer makes decision based on an automatically generated short list

Some of the Most Prominent Skills Found on Our Platform

  • Transformation management

  • Linux

  • Quality Management

  • IT Service-Management

  • Communication

  • Marketing

  • Digital workplace

  • Tests

  • DevOps

  • Outsourcing

  • Network

  • Business Analysis

  • Social Media

  • Business Intelligence

  • Backend

  • Conceptual Design

  • Reporting

  • IT Security

  • Computer-Aided Design

  • App development

  • Engineering

  • Training

  • SAP

  • Migration

  • Graphic design

  • Data Scientist

  • IoT

  • Project management

  • Web development

  • Coaching

  • Compliance

  • Online Marketing

  • Risk management

  • SW development

  • Cloud

  • User Interface

  • Controlling

  • Rollout

  • Monitoring

  • Advisory

  • Agile

  • Requirements Engineering

  • HR

  • Frontend

  • Audit

  • Sales

  • Leadership

  • UX

  • Microsoft SQL Server

  • Artificial Intelligence

IT tenders - Our Mission

The growing demand for skilled service providers is not being satisfied. We believe that there is an abundant supply of skills and our aim is to allocate them to where they are most urgently needed and where they will have the greatest impact.

Learn More About IT tenders' Services

Service Providers
Service Buyers

If you are a solo enterprise whose business model is more akin to freelancing, or a buyer who is looking for freelancers, our platform freelance pages is the place to go! freelance pages is powered by the same AI behind IT tenders, and it helps freelancers and buyers connect and collaborate.

The platform IT tenders is offered by freelance pages AG, a startup company based in Tübingen. Our company also offers fp talents, an internal talent marketplace that brings transparency to enterprises' skill portfolio with the help of AI.